
Certainly, the academic and formative degrees, by themselves, can say little about the person or her underlying consciousness. Nor can the so-called biographical milestones, especially when marked by the person himself. With these caveats, they may illustrate a possible path.

Thus, this Contemplative Expedition may have "begun" in Literature, during adolescence, in the vis-à-vis with Siddhartha of Herman Hess. From then on, I’ve tried to study Buddhism, learn and deepen its meditative practices, in several schools and centers (Portuguese Buddhist Union, Kangyur Rinpoche Foundation, Inkarri and Circulo Entre-Ser).

The Graduation in Social Psychology (Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da educação – Universidade de Lisboa), was tinted by this contemplative itinerary, a period that coincided with the study of Astrology, first as an autodictator and later school based (Quíron - Portuguese Center of Astrology).

For the Master's Degree in Media and Journalism (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa), I’ve studied the great travel accounts bequeathed by Western expeditionaries, such as Herodotus and Marco Polo, during the great incursions to the East. Only at this time, 2008, I’ve joined the practice of Hindu Yoga to Buddhist Yoga, when I started studying and practicing with Dada Dhyanananda, Dada Krishnananda and Prof. Pavitra (Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha). This study continued later with other teachers, among them Pedro Kupfer (Yoga Bindu) and Hugo Abecassis (Abhyasa Yoga Center).

After concluding a course on Oriental Studies and Eastern Philosophy (Faculdade de Letras – Universidade de Lisboa), in which I deepened the study of Yoga and Meditation in an academic standpoint, my vision and practice of the so called Contemplative Sciences in general changed completely. On the whole, I recognized that an investigation without a sectarian and ego-driven agenda is extremely important. Despite the lack of institutional support, I nurtured the impulse to continue my work as an independent researcher, guided and inspired by unforgettable influences such as: Prof. José Carlos Calazans (Universidade Lusófona), Prof. Paulo Borges (Universidade de Lisboa), Prof. Carlos João Correia (Universidade de Lisboa), Prof. Carlos H. Silva (Universidade Católica de Lisboa), among others, and following the research line of Haṭha Yoga Project ( and the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University). Since then, I have been contributing with my indepdente investigation on the History, Anthropology and Philosophy of Yoga, Meditation and Contemplative Sciences.

Having completed Sanskrit I and II seminars (Faculdade de Letras – Universidade de Lisboa), under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Meira, I continue the study.